• Welcome to DitTandUnivers in Køge

We are here to help you

Get the smile back

If it's been a long time since you've visited your dentist or dental hygienist, don't hesitate to visit us, we'd love to help and guide you. We start by examining your teeth and mouth so that we can guide you in which treatment is right for you. We do not do anything without your consent

High quality and professionalism

Smiling staff

We are open from Monday to Friday

  • Monday: 8 - 17:00
  • Tuesday: 8 - 17:00
  • Onsdag  kl. 8-15:00
  • Thursday: 8 - 17:00
  • Friday: 8 - 14:00

The clinic's history and vision

Velkommen til DitTandUnivers i Køge. Der har ligget tandklinik her på Ellemarksvej 9 siden 1994, hvor tandlægerne Gunver Agertved Pedersen og Tage Jørgensen etablerede klinikken. Klinikken ændrede navnet til DitTandUnivers pr. 2. januar 2023 hvor Tandplejer Trine Jacobsen overtog klinikken efter Peter Villquist som har haft klinikken siden 2009. I dag rummer klinikken 2 tandplejere, 1 tandlæger og 3 klinikassistent. Trine har i flere år haft drømmen om, at blive selvstændig privatpraktiserende tandplejer. Ønsket om en klinik hvor både de ansatte og patienterne er i centrum, hvor man skal føle sig tryg og aktivt er en del af behandlingen. Det skal være et sted hvor man har lyst til at komme igen.


We report your bill to Sygesikringen Danmark. You will only get your Denmark subsidy back when your bill with us has been paid.
Remember to register in Denmark before you turn 60.

Young people up to the age of 25 who are members of group 1 or 5 have their bill covered 100% for the following services:

  • Surveys
  • Regular teeth cleaning
  • Individual preventive treatment
  • Bitewing X-rays
    see more on:

Dental treatment | Health Insurance Denmark"

A dental cleaning requires a preliminary examination of your teeth and gums. We investigate whether you have Periodontitis (periodontal disease) and if this is the case, a regular teeth cleaning is not enough to carry out. See below what a teeth cleaning is and what a periodontitis treatment is.

We would like to offer young people between 16-21 years of age to come for treatment with us.
On 1 July 2022, the new Finance Act entered into force and with it a new scheme for the 18-21 year olds which will be phased in gradually. This means they get free dental care.

22 - 18 year olds
2023 - 18-19 year olds
2024 - 18-20 year olds
2025 - 18-21 year olds
